We're not big on the black bean dishes and the heavier food you can get at a Chinese, so we've put together this dish to help lighten up the rich flavours you get in the anglicised Chinese takeaways. Give this a go with your faux-duck pancakes, noodles and sweet and sour sauce!

1 brown onion
2 tbsp Flora buttery
1 carrot peeled and chopped in small cubes
1/2 cup peas
1 cup basmati rice
1/2 tsp sesame oil
1 tbsp soy sauce
Salt and pepper to flavour
Cook the rice according to packet instructions. Drain and chill in the fridge for an hour.
After 45 minutes, begin melting the Flora Buttery in a large frying pan. When it's all melted, add in the onion, carrot, peas and any other vegetables you fancy and cook on a medium heat until the onion and carrots soften (usually about 5 minutes)
Add the rice into the pan and make sure to thoroughly mix it, squashing out any lumps of rice.
Once the rice is heated through and well mixed, add in the soy sauce, seasoning the rice with salt and pepper to your taste.
Once you're happy everything is cooked, take the pan off the heat and mix in the sesame oil. Serve and enjoy!